In Class Celebrity Challenge

Celebrity Portrait Challenge

This week lets talk about a photography class! My favorite class of the program is our Monday class with Erik Skaar. Last week Erik came up with an exciting in-class-project where he assigned teams and divided the studio up into seven top secret station. At each station was an envelope with a beautifully lit celebrity portrait that we were to emulate as close as possible.

The catch to this project was that only the photographer for that station could see the printed portrait and the images that are being captured. This was a great exercise in team work and a test in our ability to communicate technically.

I was the third to shoot out of our group and it was group of people I had never worked with before! But I got lucky with a beautiful portrait in a style I enjoy that was somewhat simple. A Ben Stiller portrait by Platon. Luckily I had a teammate with a similar amount of character in his face and a good hair cut. 

We had one hour to devise a plan, set the set, direct, shoot, and take down. I am pretty proud of this image, definitely my favorite assigned for portrait this year.

Here is the image I came up with next to the original.

Photo by © Haley Blavka Photography 2014

Photo by © Haley Blavka Photography 2014